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Книги о Dieter Rams – идеология минимализма в дизайне

Дитер Рамс – человек, сформировавший современное представление о промышленном дизайне. Его философия «меньше, но лучше» (Less, but better) повлияла на поколения дизайнеров и стала основой для визуального языка Apple, Muji и многих других брендов.

Работая в Braun и Vitsœ, Рамс создал иконы функционального дизайна – от аудиотехники до мебели. Его подход основан на 10 принципах хорошего дизайна, которые подчеркивают простоту, эргономику и долговечность. Он отвергал лишнее, создавая предметы, которые не подчиняются трендам, а остаются актуальными десятилетиями.

В этой коллекции собраны лучшие книги и альбомы о творчестве Дитера Рамса, его влиянии на индустрию и философии, которая изменила мир предметного дизайна.

Cees W. de Jong
ID: 15386
Издательство: Prestel

New in paperback, this book presents Dieter Rams’ aesthetic philosophy through highlights from a forty-year career designing iconic consumer products that enhance our daily lives.

For decades, anyone who cared about product design looked to the Braun label when choosing their appliances, radios, and other consumer items. Dieter Rams, the guiding force behind the Braun look, breaks down his design principles and processes in this elegant new paperback edition. Enumerating each of his ten principles such as “good design is innovative”; “good design is aesthetic”; “good design is useful”, etc., this bestselling book presents one hundred items that embody these guidelines. Taken together, the images and texts offer the most comprehensive overview of Dieter Rams’ work to date and will serve as both a reference and an inspiration for anyone interested in how and why good design matters.

About the Author:

Cees W. De Jong is the author of numerous books and a curator of exhibitions on design, typography, and architecture.


Пролистать книгу Dieter Rams: Ten Principles for Good Design на сайте издательства.

Цена: 2500 грн
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Sophie Lovell, with a foreword by Jonathan Ive
ID: 18377
Издательство: Phaidon

The definitive monograph on Dieter Rams, one of the most influential product designers of the twentieth century 

As head of design at Braun from 1961 to 1995, Dieter Rams created some of the twentieth century’s most iconic objects. Rams’s life and work are indelibly linked to his thoughts about how people live, and how they can live better.

Products he designed in the 1960s are still produced and sold today, and his ideas on good design continue to inspire designers and consumers. Now available again with a stunning new cover, this comprehensive monograph, with a foreword by Jonathan (Jony) Ive, former chief design officer of Apple, explores not only Rams’s life and work, but also his design philosophy.

The book includes detailed text covering Rams’s life, the intellectual context in which he worked, his designs for Braun and Vitsœ, and the ideas and lectures he developed as an advocate for good design. Sketches and photographs of finished products and prototypes provide insight into Rams’s design process, diverse archival material gives a complete picture of his life and work, and specially commissioned photographs of Dieter Rams’s house and the Braun archive provide an exclusive glimpse of the world’s most complete collection of Rams’s designs.

Known for the hundreds of iconic products he designed for Braun and Vitsœ, this comprehensive and exhaustive monograph also features Rams's only architectural work and the ideas about living sustainably embodied in his ‘ten principles’.

About the Authors:

Sophie Lovell is a writer, editor, creative consultant and a leading voice in design and architecture publishing. Born in London, she has lived in Berlin since 1994. Sophie has worked on and with numerous publications in the fields of art, architecture, and design, including uncubeform and Wallpaper* magazines. She has written and edited a number of books on design and architecture, including David Thulstrup: A Sense of Place, and is also co-editor of The Common Table, a digital platform for food thinking and systemic change that she founded together with her daughter Orlando Lovell as studio_lovell.

Sir Jonathan (Jony) Ive KBE RDI is a British-American industrial designer. Formerly Chief Design Officer at Apple, he now runs his own design firm, LoveFrom, with British designer Marc Newson.

Dieter Rams is an industrial designer whose career-defining collaborations with Braun and Vitsoe have produced some of the most iconic consumer products of the 20th century.

Цена: 4000 грн
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Dieter Rams, Jo Klatt
ID: 18429
Издательство: Gestalten

The new edition of the benchmark work by Dieter Rams.

Few product designs have the staying power of creations by Dieter Rams. Almost everything produced by the most influential designer of the twentieth century is today considered a classic. This new and revised edition of Less but Better shows once again why Dieter Rams’s approach to design will be relevant for the foreseeable future.  

Ideas of what can and must be achieved by good design are in a constant state of flux as a result of cultural and technological developments. Dieter Rams, however, came up with ten principles that advocate for a purist, almost imperceptible design. These principles are still considered timeless fundaments of design theory and practice today.  

Less but Better does not set out to be a complete documentation of Dieter Rams’s body of work, nor does it claim to tell the full story of the company Braun. Rather the book explores the ideas, criteria, and methods behind Rams’s creations and reveals how a shifting culture of product manufacturing gave rise to universal design benchmarks. From his reflections on design ethics and values we can distill a clear paradigm for future design — because one principle has remained firm over the years: less is simply better.  

About the Authors:

Dieter Rams, born in Wiesbaden in 1932, initially studied architecture. He is widely considered one of the most significant industrial designers of the twentieth century. In the more than 40 years that he spent working at the electrical appliance manufacturer Braun, Rams turned out a wealth of pioneering creations that continue to influence designers around the world today. He has also generated a new awareness of the social function of design in Germany.

Jo Klatt is an acknowledged connoisseur and collector of Braun products. For many years he worked at the magazine Design+Design and was the publisher of numerous works, including the first edition of Less but Better.

Цена: 1980 грн
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Klaus Klemp, Keiko Ueki-Polet
ID: 15300
Издательство: Gestalten

This is Dieter Rams’ bilingual 808-page book about his work, back in print in its original form with a PVC softcover and slipcase. The relevance of famous Braun designer Dieter Rams in ­modern design remains unbroken.

In his more than 40 years at Braun, Dieter Rams established himself as one of the most influential designers of the twentieth century.

True to the principle of “less but better” his elegantly clear visual language not only defined product design for generations, but also our fundamental understanding of what design is and what it can and should do.

Less and More offers boundless inspiration for anyone interested in the aesthetic and functional aspects of applied design.

About the Authors:

Dieter Rams, born in Wiesbaden in 1932, initially studied architecture. He is widely considered one of the most significant industrial designers of the twentieth century. In the more than 40 years that he spent working at the electrical appliance manufacturer Braun, Rams turned out a wealth of pioneering creations that continue to influence designers around the world today. He has also generated a new awareness of the social function of design in Germany.

Professor Klaus Klemp is one of the world's leading experts in the field of product design. He has been acquainted with Dieter Rams for many years and is an authority on his work.

Keiko Ueki-Polet is one of Japan's most renowned design curators. She is well acquainted with design developments in both Asia and the Western world.

Цена: 4000 грн
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Klaus Klemp, with a foreword by Dieter Rams
ID: 14705
Издательство: Phaidon

Made in close collaboration with Rams himself, this catalogue raisonné is the ultimate reference on one of the most influential product designers of all time

Dieter Rams is one of the most influential product designers of the twentieth century, who, for more than sixty years, has been defining the look, feel, and function of some of the world's best-loved consumer items. Using his 'ten principles for good design' as a philosophy and practice for improving the industry in a more holistic, responsible way, Rams has a stellar reputation with global resonance.

This extraordinary book forms a catalogue raisonné of every product that Rams has designed in his lifetime – a true celebration of his seminal contribution to the field of industrial and product design. Including 300 color illustrations, the book is organized chronologically, each product is accompanied by a detailed description and specification breakdown, making this the ultimate reference guide for Rams fans and an ideal complement to Phaidon's global bestseller Dieter Rams: As Little Design as Possible.

About the Authors:

Klaus Klemp is professor of design theory and history at the HfG Offenbach, Germany, and curator of design at the Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, where he was previously exhibition director and deputy director. Prior to his roles at the museum, Klemp was director of the cultural department of the city of Frankfurt.

Dieter Rams is an industrial designer whose career-defining collaborations with Braun and Vitsoe have produced some of the most iconic consumer products of the 20th century.

Цена: 3500 грн
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